Sexual and Reproductive
Health and
Rights of women and girls
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time they just have the heart. Read more
Reproductive health and
COWAD works to ensure sexual and reproductive health
and rights remain at the verycentre of development.
Read more Welcome to COWAD
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time they just have the heart. Reproductive health and development Read more Welcome to COWAD

Together to help the world better!

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of women and girls

Protection for sexual and reproductive rights defenders


A just and sustainable Society where all women and girls enjoy their human rights and health, and have power over their lives.

COWAD Mission

COWAD Mission
Develop local, national action plans and budgets to ensure that women To achieve gender justice and advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and adolescent girls.

COWAD Values

COWAD Values
Take effective measures to strengthen the access of women human rights defenders to safety and security in their homes and places of residence, their workplaces and in the full range of public spaces where we do this work.
The staff and board of COWAD decided to explicitly name a set of enduring values

COWAD Values

We take pride in the quality and integrity of our work and the transformational impact it has on the lives of women and girls.
We recognize that all forms of oppression are connected, and that women and girls experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination based on their identities,
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We amplify and celebrate the voices and realities of women and girls with less power and place them at the center of our work.
We ensure that women and girls are fully involved in the decision-making processes
Capacity Building
We support women and girls to obtain, improve and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed for their empowerment.
We uphold the rights of women and girls to make decisions and have control over their bodies and lives.

What we Do

We conduct advocacy with local governments and the government of Uganda.
Small grants Scheme
Small grants Scheme
Local women’s groups are the most effective driver of change for women’s rights, everywhere. For nearly 10 years.
Training Young Advocates
Training Young Advocates
Since 2010, COWAD has identified and mentored young people from around Uganda to advocate for local and national policies that further sexual and reproductive rights.
Women Empowerment
Encouraging women in all they activities
Sponsor Women
Believed the wish experience gave their family a greater
Women Projects
Sponsor all women project to encourage they works
Reproductive support
Reported their women had a stronger sense of well-being
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Campaign With Us

For a safer world for women
Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy

Better future for women
Fundraise At School

Fundraise At School

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