Protection for sexual and reproductive rights defenders

Protection for sexual and reproductive rights defenders

In Uganda, there is continued silencing, intimidation and oppression of defenders of
sexual and reproductive rights. Recognizing the realities faced by women who defend,
promote and protect women’s rights, particularly those who defend sexual rights and
reproductive rights, COWAD is working to
a) Adopt policies, strategies and measures to promote and protect women
human rights defenders
b) Develop local, national action plans and budgets to ensure that women
human rights defenders are free to exercise our right and responsibility to
promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in keeping with
the United Nations Human Rights Declaration of 1998;
c) Take effective measures to strengthen the access of women human rights
defenders to safety and security in their homes and places of residence, their
workplaces and in the full range of public spaces where we do this work;
d) Ensure freedom of movement for women human rights defenders both within
national borders and between borders as women human rights defenders
organize on and promote and protect women’s rights;
e) Defend the rights of those women who are forced to the margins of society
and are subjected to multiple discrimination and oppressions, including
sexually active young women, women living with HIV, single women, sex
workers, refugee women, lesbian women and women who have sex with
f) End impunity for acts of violence and attacks on women human rights
defenders whether perpetrated by state or non-state actors